
Please Note that this Schedule is still subject to Change before the Festival Begins.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2019



10:00 AM: Vendors Open

Flute and Drum Music by James, Jesse and Joseph Bruchac


11:00 AM: Tom Porter‘s Opening Address
The festival will begin with a traditional opening address, delivered in Mohawk and English by Tom Sakokwenionkwas Porter, who positions with the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs and is the spokesman and spiritual leader of the Mohawk community of Kanatsiohareke.


12:00 NOON: Grand Entry

Black Hawk Singers, Old Soul Drum, Nulhegan Drum


*Inter-tribal will take place at regular intervals during the day


12:45 PM: Honoring of Chief Don Stevens


1:00-1:40 PM: Haudenosaunee Singers and Dancers


1:45-2:00 PM: Smoke Dance Competition


2:00-2:10 PM: Brian Blanchett on Canfield Stage


2:10-3:00 PM: Joanne Shenandoah on Canfield Stage

Joanne Shenandoah, is Native America’s most celebrated musicians. She carries beauty in her soul and voice but also through her interactions with diverse communities.  She provides strength and passion for the people that is found in the likes of iconic philosophers and wisdom-keepers.  Holding a Grammy and 40 plus music awards. She is an Ambassador of peace, human and earth rights, capturing the hearts of audiences all over the world.

3:00-3:45 PM: Perry Ground storytelling on Canfield Stage

Perry Ground is a Turtle Clan member of the Onondaga Nation of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy. He has been telling stories for over 20 years as a means of educating people about the culture, beliefs and history of the Haudenosaunee. Perry learned most of the stories he shares from the elders of various Native American communities and feels practicing and perpetuating the oral traditions of Native people is an important responsibility.


3:00-3:45 Smoke Dance Competition


3:45-4:15 PM: Smoke Dance Winners announced


4:15- 5:00 PM: Kay Olan Storytelling on Canfield Stage

Kay Clan is a Wolf Clan Mohawk storyteller and educator. After teaching for 33 years, she relocated to the Traditional Mohawk Community at Kanatsiohareke where she worked as Director and as assistant to Mohawk Elder, Tom Porter, for 3 years.

5:00 PM: Vendors close

Closing Address by Tom Porter